I have so missed it. I did not deprive myself of the pleasure of my favorite blogs. I still look at them if not daily then at least weekly. And I tried to comment so you guys would know that I haven't forgotten you. I get so much pleasure from seeing what you have been up to. I will ALWAYS visit. You do a post and I am there, baby!!
What has prompted me to write again is my recent trip to my favorite place on God's Green....Sanibel Island Florida. I've been back home for about 10 days now and I am so longing to be back on the Island. I thought I'd share a little of my trip and in so doing I will feel connected to the Island again.
I love the shore birds.
I am terrible however because I can never remember the names
I mean I know the ones in the water are Pelicans and the ones on the beach are some type of gulls. I just don't know which type.
My photos are straight from the camera. I don't have the time to do any editing. I know they would look ever so much more dramatic if I would edit. I don't have a program that does it and pic monkey takes too long for me.
Anyone know of a free program that is downloadable so I can access it much quicker?
This post is going to be short and hopefully sweet :)) By the time I downloaded the last of my nearly 1000 vacation pics it is now 11:18pm and this girl has to get up at 5:30 am.
I won't promise another post but I do have some good shots that I'd like to share.
So Sanibel lovers stay tuned...............